Struggling to find words. The results from the chest CT today were unsettling. Unfortunately, the cancer has grown and spread substantially throughout both of the lungs. The doctors are no longer going to pursue any surgical intervention.
No further news or decisions on additional chemotherapy treatment are being made at this time.
The only consistent thing on this journey is that the plan is always changing.
Sheridan’s surgery was delayed on Friday and ended up going longer than expected. He was adamant that he wanted to recover at home and happily went home Friday night. Since then, it has been a slow recovery with varying degrees of discomfort. Luckily his labs have not changed drastically since the surgery, yet they have proven dire enough that an urgent dialysis start is warranted.
Sheridan has the weekend to think it through and agree, so he can start in-center dialysis for the next week or possibly two. He will not be waiting the healing period or begin his training for home dialysis, as previously expected, or any time soon.
Additionally, Sheridan’s lung surgical plans have changed as well. His team has acknowledged waiting until the new year was too risky. They plan to complete a new scan (TBD) and move forward with the surgeries. The first lung surgery is scheduled for December 1st, thus affecting when Sheridan can start the at-home dialysis training. The second surgery is tentatively planned to be shortly before Christmas.
Sheridan ultimately has the final say in all these procedures. We need all your energy focused on giving Sheridan physical and mental strength to power through what’s needed to keep his kidneys and body thriving, unchanged/improved scans, and successful surgeries.
Prayers up!
After much contemplation, delay, and consulting, Sheridan is being hospitalized to have his peritoneal dialysis line placed tomorrow. He will not be having his lung surgeries at this time, as the risk was determined too great, and they want his kidneys healthier to undergo the thoracotomies. If all goes as planned, January and February would be likely for the lung surgeries.
As far as dialysis, ten days of healing need to pass before he can begin dialysis. At that time, he will attend two weeks of hands-on classes, and then he will be able to begin dialysis daily at home.
Please keep the positivity flowing and the healing prayers coming.
Sheridan’s kidneys have worsened. The doctor has said she no longer feels comfortable waiting to begin dialysis. She said, as with any vital organ, this is a true matter of life or death. He will be scheduled for emergent surgery to have a line placed in hopes of starting peritoneal dialysis.
The question of kidney transplant has been brought up. Sheridan will have to be considered cancer free for two years (one year if an exception is made), in order to be eligible to be added to a transplant list. The doctor implied a ‘live’ donor would really be ideal in his situation and give him the best outcome.
For Sheridan to be considered “cancer free”, he will have to have the remaining calcified nodules in his lungs removed. The original plan, all along, was to have two separate lung surgeries. This would start the clock, assuming no further cancer reoccurrences happen. Sheridan is still contemplating how he feels about these surgeries, the procedure, and hospitalization.
Keep the prayers coming!
The PET scan was stable, so we celebrate this win! There was some activity noted at his amputation site, that they feel is only due to the surgery and possibly the use of his long-awaited prosthetic. The lung nodules remain stable, and the radiated lesions are now also stable.
His kidneys are now at stage 5 chronic kidney disease. The doctor said it is always good to have hope, but that he would be surprised if Sheridan did not require dialysis in coming weeks or months. They intend to monitor him weekly and intervene if/when Sheridan’s body no longer supports any renal function.
Going forward, there is still coordination needed that was put on hold until the results of the PET scan was completed. The primary focus is the kidneys, at this moment. The surgeon, nephrologist and oncology team will be discussing timing the two lung surgeries. There is concern that the kidneys alone will completely fail with any further surgery. It is not guaranteed, but the largest risk.
Additionally, it is still likely immunotherapy may be started soon. This still is an ongoing discussion, due to the kidney implications. It may not enter the picture until surgeries are completed.
Standing on faith, more miracles are still in the works!
Next Monday is Sheridan's PET scan. We are keeping the faith for stability or improvement! Chemo, lung surgeries, and immunotherapy are all on the table, and will likely be mapped out after reviewing the results.
Sheridan's kidney function has continued to worsen. We want nothing more than improvement, so he can avoid dialysis. Also, renal function impacts several cancer treatment options, so we NEED this!
Send healing energy out and prayers up! We are ready for our next miracle!
Sheridan has 3 radiation treatments left next week. So far he has tolerated the treatments well, with no significant side effects to date. Unfortunately, his kidneys have not continued to improve and he is considered to have stage 4 chronic kidney disease. There is concern that he will end up with end-stage renal disease and require regular dialysis if there isn't marked improvement very soon. Please pray that his kidneys make a substantial turn around right away!
Up next will be another PET scan, sometime in the first two weeks of September. At that time, decisions will be made regarding potential lung surgeries and available chemo options, given his kidney function.
We are still fighting insurance to have a permanent prosthetic approved, in order to give Sheridan the same mobility he had prior to being diagnosed with cancer. Keep the thoughts and prayers coming!
Today Sheridan is having a CT simulator scan, in preparation for radiation. He will be completing one cycle of SBRT radiation on his left leg femur head and then one cycle on his spine. This will all occur over the first few weeks of August.
After this is completed, Sheridan will have another PET scan. A plan will be made for the lung surgeries, assuming all goes as planned. We are believing in it!! His lung nodules were stable at last week’s chest CT, which was very reassuring.
There is no plan forward, as far as immunotherapy or chemo, yet. Discussions remain in the works, and anything is possible. We are marching forward with the thought between the radiation and surgeries, that the disease will be eradicated, and wholeheartedly believing and praying for the long-term future.
On Monday, Sheridan’s remaining portion of his right leg was cast by the prosthetist. This Friday, he will have his initial fitting. This is exciting forward progress. We are still waiting for the insurance to approve the prosthetic leg he needs to resume normal function.Keep the prayers and positive energy flowing!!
You don't understand until you go through it. What does coping look like? What does the pain feel like? How long will the pain last? What can you do and when? How is your balance affected? How will other people react? Will they stare? Will they care? What comes next? And when?! When can you get a prosthetic? How hard is that process? Does insurance cover it? How much does it cost?!? Do people understand the amputation was only a "small" sacrifice in a bigger picture of what has been and what is to come with the unknowns with osteosarcoma?
Sheridan has to continue to push through with a process of unknowns. He has to live with the daily realities of the pain and also all the challenges, both mental and physical. Phantom pains are a part of Sheridan's daily life. Each hour is different, some more manageable than others. Yet, he still continues to adapt, each new day. He is determined to thrive and has a will of steel.
His stitches are out now and he is continuing the healing process. The wound is healing well, so far. He is wearing a compression sock for the next few weeks, in order to prepare for casting for a prosthetic to be made. We are hopeful insurance will cover the costs of the prosthetic, as we originally had no idea what the out-of-pocket cost would look like if he had to pay, or how it would affect his quality of life. The prosthetic he needs costs almost as much as an exotic car.
We are looking forward to his upcoming oncology appointment this Thursday, in hopes that the next steps will be planned. Time is crucial with osteosarcoma and there are still many unknowns and much at stake.
Keep lifting Sheridan up! He is a warrior and continues to defy every odd set before him! We're going to keep moving forward!
Sheridan's right leg will be amputated above the knee tomorrow. Please keep holding space for him! Cover the surgeons and Sheridan with prayers, love and light, for a successful, uncomplicated surgery and recovery!
There is a long road of unknowns, especially over the next few months. Keep those positive vibes coming that his kidney function continues to heal and that the doctors are divinely led, as they make future surgical, chemo, immunotherapy and radiation decisions.
He has overcame so much, in such a short time! Let this be yet another chapter in Sheridan proving miracles continue to happen every day!
Sheridan is back home now, and his stamina and mobility continue to increase each day. He still has recovering to do, but all things considered, he is doing really well!
Sheridan's PET scan results came in yesterday and were a step in the right direction. Many areas showed improvement. Only one small new small spot was noted in his right lung. That being said, a newly revised plan has been set in motion.
Instead of starting a new chemo regimen right away, Sheridan will get some more time for his kidneys to continue to recover. As of now, there continues to be no need for dialysis and they will be scheduling to remove his dialysis line, likely next week.
Sheridan will be meeting with his orthopedic surgeon in the coming week to schedule his amputation and make decisions about how dramatic the amputation will be. At a minimum, it will be above the knee. The surgery will be taking place in the next 2 weeks, give or take.
He will have an MRI with contrast, once he has more marked improvement of his kidneys. This will determine if radiation will be completed on his spine and left leg femur, or if additional surgical interventions or stronger line chemo will be required.
Going forward Sheridan will also continue to have regular chest CTs to monitor the existing and new spot in his lungs. The tentative plan will eventually be another PET scan to re-evaluate when lung surgeries will be scheduled.
Keep those prayers and positive energy coming, especially as amputation approaches and for the healing and adjustment period thereafter!!!!
Today is the day, Sheridan finally gets to leave the hospital, for a time! He is moving to an acute rehabilitation facility in hopes of continuing to regain his strength, in order to resume his mobility with his crutches.
Sheridan's vital organs still are in the works of recovery, but his progress has amazed everyone! He has not needed dialysis this past week. The coming months will determine if his kidneys will make a full recovery, or if dialysis will be a part of his life. Given all his other organ's progress, we are hopeful the kidneys will regain their place too!
In roughly two weeks, Sheridan will have a repeat PET scan. Please pray it remains stable! If all goes well, a new chemo drug will be introduced and the original surgical intervention plans will be scheduled over the next 3 months.
Miracles, upon miracles, upon miracles! If there is one thing I can attest to, Sheridan's warrior spirit and tenacity are remarkable! He went from every vital organ failing and having mechanical support to sustain life, to breathing, unprecedented organ recovery, and sitting here today.
It has been the longest 14 days that have been overwhelming on every front. For every catastrophic low, there have been so many amazing moments that doctors implied were nearly impossible. For every tear shed, there have been miraculous feats accomplished. For every medical professional that led to disappointment, there have been divinely appointed servants to step in and lead the charge.
I am so thankful for those who are truly dedicated to their craft and genuinely showed compassion and empathy. It definitely makes a huge difference in care, and it was those few that restored my faith!
We are anxiously praying and waiting for him to achieve the goals set for him to finally come home. He has substantial healing to do, but he is doing it!!!!! Please keep all the prayers and positivity flowing! We never thought we could be that close to losing him, and now we celebrate every milestone reached!
Please pray that his kidneys rapidly recover and his body continues to heal so he can regain his strength. My momma heart is clinging to hope that if he can return from sepsis, nearly taking his life and shutting down every vital organ, that maybe just maybe, it can kill the cancer too! There is a long road ahead, but I have faith! If this horrific event taught me one thing, truly ANYTHING is possible, and I believe it!
Sheridan is a fighter and the strongest person I know. He has been through so much in his 22 years and he is fighting one more battle, as I type. Sheridan went neutropenic, spiking a fever, and in need of blood products due to chemo side effects, on Saturday. He went into septic shock due to a bacterial infection in his blood. He was taken by ambulance and is currently in the ICU. All life-sustaining organs have been in active failure.
Today we are slowly crawling in a better direction. He is fighting with everything in him! Please send all the positivity, love, light, vibes, and prayers!!!! He truly is a warrior!!! If anyone can overcome this, IT IS HIM!!! He is on dialysis, on a ventilator, and receiving a multitude of interventions to support his heart.
We still intend to make his benefit on May 7th the biggest and best we can, to show him all the love and support he deserves! He was so looking forward to seeing the community, the cars, and K9s! We have every intention of still making that day as successful as possible, so we can record everyone and every moment to share with him!
You can reference his FB event page – Sheridan’s Benefit - for more details and parking for the car show and attendees.
If you can, please consider attending! We are hopeful for beautiful weather and a great presence of military, LEOs, Fire, and every form of domestic and foreign car and K9s!!!! It would mean the world to see an overwhelming amount of people to support him! If you cannot attend, we would greatly appreciate a donation to help continue this fight. Below is the link. Every dollar counts right now and the road ahead will require a lot of support.
Sheridan's PET scan went mostly as we had hoped for. Almost all of the disease areas remained stable, meaning improvement or no new growth. The only notable concern was an increase in size in one of his hip lymph nodes. These results set the stage for the path forward and the ability to share some general details of what the next few months will include.
Sheridan will undergo at least two separate lung surgeries (thoracotomies). The plan will include an additional 2 rounds of chemo based on how Sheridan's body continues to react. He will undergo amputation of his right leg. He will have a 10-day cycle of SBRT (a form of radiation) on his spine, and they are still contemplating surgical removal vs SBRT on his left femur bone metastasis. None of the above-mentioned have been scheduled, so the order of these surgeries and interventions is yet to be determined.
This is the most radical intervention possible and gives him the chance of being surgically rendered disease-free. Although the prognosis remains low, even with surgeries, we know doctors and statistics are not the final authority. Sheridan is here for a reason, and we are all keeping the faith that his miracle is on its way! Prayers up!
Sheridan is back for blood today. If you are in a position to donate, please do! You have no idea how it may impact someone, until you or a family member is in need. Sheridan's next chemo round begins the second full week of April. When he is admitted he will have a PET scan that will set the direction for the immediate future. Keep the prayers and positive vibes coming!!
This week was one of hard conversations, big decisions on the horizon, and silver linings of hope. I cannot even put to words where things stand, as there are still a few unknowns. The potential for some dramatic surgical procedures are very likely over the next few months. Blood transfusions continue to be a regular frustrating part of life now. Please keep Sheridan in your thoughts and prayers, as he enters round 4 of his current chemo treatment on Monday. We are believing for continued improvement and stabilization, with no new disease growth. The next few weeks are going to play a huge role in the path going forward. Send that positive energy to rejuvenate Sheridan for the road ahead! Thank you for all who have reached out, and those who continue to hold space and offer support. Great gratitude to all of you and the local community who continues to show love!
Today Sheridan starts his 3rd round of the new chemo and we celebrate a small win! Sheridan's PET scan last week revealed some improvement in areas and no changes in others. He continues to battle anemia and there is talk of further surgical intervention, in the future. All in all, we could not ask for more, at this point! Keep the positive thoughts, prayers, vibes and energy healing flowing!!
Sheridan's next PET scan is on the 24th and then he will begin his 3rd round of the new chemo drug. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers! We want MIRACLES! We are believing for it! We will never give up hope!
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